Thursday, September 3, 2009

There is (more) movement at the station...

We went down to The Avenue on the weekend and things are progressing nicely. They have started the roads in some sections and curbing will be going in soon. They are still talking December which is good. We have asked to have our crossover changed to the left side because it would be virtually impossible to have it on the other side because of our block shape.
We also were given the new planning permits from the council where they have put set backs back to 5.5 meters which is quite a lot, again because of the irregular shape of our block. This has meant we have had to go back to Premier and change our plans again. They have been fantastic about it all which has made the whole process no nearly as stressful as it could have been.
I have posted some more photos of the land and how it is looking now. You can't get very close so they are a little difficult to see, but you can tell there is progress.